NEW on the blog: The sheer volume of health, wellness, and medical news and commentary available on the internet can be overwhelming. Every month, get a taste of what integrative medicine leader Dr. John Gannage finds interesting (and digestible) on the web.


1. Food additives, gut bacteria, and colorectal cancer: “Researchers found that an intake of emulsifiers severely alters the composition of the gut microbiota, and it does so in a way that promotes inflammation and creates an environment favorable for the development of cancer.
Not only did emulsifiers alter the microbiotic environment in a way that is pro-inflammatory, but it also changed the balance between cell proliferation and cell death, which enhances tumor development.”

2. Mutations in mitochondrial DNA linked to autism: ” A few recent studies have been pointing to the connection between malfunctions in mitochondria and ASD, with mounting evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction is a biological subtype of ASD. Further symptoms such as developmental regression, seizures, motor delay, or gastrointestinal abnormalities were much more present among those with both mitochondrial disease and ASD.”

3. Stop Bill 41: Never should bureaucrats be given the authority to decide what’s best for patients. Especially not in the name of rationing costs. Wouldn’t it be great to have all the wasted Ontario government money back, so that penny pinching doesn’t supplant the best possible care for patients? How quickly we forget the money in the public purse that this government has squandered.

4. Benefits of probiotics for Alzheimer’s: Probiotics may boost learning, memory for Alzheimer’s patients. Watch for more of this .. studies showing the CLINICAL benefit of probiotics for various health conditions where disease is located outside the gut. Clinical studies with probiotics are vital to validate a core concept in functional medicine, that disease begins in the gut, or at least is aggravated by an altered microbiome.

5. Soda Tax: “As soda taxes gain wider acceptance, your bottle may be next”. C’mon Canada. #TaxSoda #TaxSugar #FightObesity and include artificial sweeteners.

6. Randomized controlled trial of Vitamin D supplementation in kids with autism: “This study is the first double-blinded RCT proving the efficacy of vitamin D3 in ASD patients. Depending on the parameters measured in the study, oral vitamin D supplementation may safely improve signs and symptoms of ASD and could be recommended for children with ASD.”

Autism symptoms – such as hyperactivity, social withdrawal, and others – improved significantly following vitamin D3 supplementation but not after receiving placebo. In most children with ASD, I measure Vitamin D levels, and almost always find low levels, especially here in Canada. This is a simple, inexpensive treatment and many preparations are available for children to take, including as Vitamin D3 drops. Let’s not forget all the benefits from sunshine, but blood levels of D are dropping at this time of year.

Missed Dr. Gannage’s October picks? Read them here