Greetings to you all,

Next week I’ll be in Vancouver to present at the Dr. Rogers Prize colloquium in advance of the Gala, where a very fortunate individual will walk away with the $250,000 prize.  Since 2007, the award is given to a CAM practitioner/researcher every 2 years for excellence in the field.  It honours the work of CAM physician Dr. Roger Rogers (1928-2011), and is sponsored by the Hecht Foundation. (

My topic is the Mind-Body Continuum from a Nutrition Perspective. I wanted to share with you my summary slide, which details important aspects of brain protection.

Of course, the details are in the previous 25 slides, but at least you’re getting the highlights.  Want to see more? See you in Vancouver on September 26 at the Fairmont Waterfront, or I’d be happy to give a presentation in the GTA in the near future.

  1. The brain is subject to the same metabolic processes as other organs, except it’s energy demands are higher.
  2. Brain structure and function is impacted by oxidation, glycation (sugar attaching to proteins) and inflammation – processes mediated by nutrition factors.
  3. The gut-brain axis is an important continuum in brain disorders.
  4. The brain’s lipid composition makes it particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress; fats in the diet influence its composition.
  5. Sugar is a brain toxin that accelerates free radical damage (Alzheimer’s Disease as “Type 3 Diabetes”).
  6. Glutathione is neuroprotective and its biosynthesis is dependent on nutrients e.g. B6, B9, B12.
  7. The mitochondria of brain cells are where energy is produced to carry out brain functions.  Mitochondrial membranes and processes are dependent on glutathione protection.

On a practical level, here’s the deal: avoid refined carbs and sugars, such as what is found in soda pop, soda crackers, bread and pasta, starting from a young age.  Include healthy fat sources in the diet while eliminating hydrogenated oils, trans fats, and deep fried foods from the diet. Meats are best when grass fed and organic, fish from the low mercury category is recommended, and eggs are not the enemy.

If you’ve heard me say all this before it’s because a) you’ve heard it in the clinic during a patient visit b) you’ve heard me speak at public events in the past and/or c) you’ve been reading my written material.

A little repetition is never a bad thing when talking about the brain.