On Thursday, May 3, I travel to San Diego to deliver a lecture at ACAM’s Spring Conference. This is an honour for me, given that ACAM (the American College for the Advancement of Medicine) has been so instrumental in my own education for 13 years, and now I have an opportunity to provide the lesson!

My topic is Pediatrics: Identifying and Removing Toxic Metals in Children.  The audience is physicians and naturopaths who want to learn more about this important subject.  The developing fetus can be exposed to toxic metals during pregnancy, and healthy newborns have 287 chemicals in the cord blood that flows to nourish them.  This is a startling statistic from research conducted a few years back.

A large segment of my clinical work involves treatment of developmentally delayed children, including those with a diagnosis of autism. The Autism Research Institute keeps statistics regarding interventions that can benefit or aggravate autistic children, and detoxification of heavy metals has the highest benefit rating.  I can attest to this based on my own experience as a physician involved in the management of this condition, which is complex and comprehensive while requiring a broader understanding of underlying factors like oxidative stress and immune system imbalances. My talk will outline this work, and offer advice on how to approach toxic metal burdens in children responsibly, safely and effectively, from a CAM perspective.

Many of you are aware that I address adult conditions in a similar fashion.  Autoimmune diseases, like Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, MS, and related conditions have at times responded very well to my management protocols over the years. A large patient group that receives chelation therapy in my clinic are those with heart disease.

NOTE: The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, conducted by the NIH, is a research study I was involved in.  It is meant to answer the question: what are the benefits and/or risks of chelation therapy in participants with previous heart attack and over the age of 50? The trial has been completed, and the results are to be released in the coming months. Stay tuned!