What I’m Reading This Month: The Microbiomes of Elite Athletes, Gut-Microbiome Boosting Diets for Malnourishment, and the EPA Not Banning Chlorpyrifos 

The sheer volume of health, wellness, and medical news and commentary available on the internet can be overwhelming. Every month, get a taste of what integrative medicine leader Dr. John Gannage finds interesting (and digestible) on the web.

EPA Will Not Ban Use of Controversial Pesticide Linked to Children’s Health Problems


Choose organic. SMH

EWG: “After two years of legal proceedings, the Trump EPA announced that Big Ag can continue spraying fruits and vegetables with the brain-damaging pesticide chlorpyrifos.

Chlorpyrifos can harm a child’s brain even at low levels and is used legally on popular foods like peaches, cherries and apples. A recent study even found chlorpyrifos in 60 percent of conventional milk samples tested. According to the EPA’s own assessments, the levels of chlorpyrifos on food and in drinking water found in multiple independent studies are unsafe!”

Gut-Microbiome Boosting Diet Designed To Better Help Malnourished Children

“Prior research has revealed the gut microbiome of malnourished children does not develop to mature states similar to healthy children. Animal studies have also shown these immature microbial populations result in immune system and metabolic abnormalities.”

Performance-Enhancing Bacteria Found In the Microbiomes of Elite Athletes

The microbiome … a metabolic engine. A true symbiotic relationship.

How The Gut Microbiome Could Provide a New Tool to Treat Autism


From Smithsonian Mag. 


Still hungry for information? Find previous month’s picks here.

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