Naturopathic First Aid Kit by Dr. Tatiana, ND
The naturopathic first aid kit contains remedies for most common acute ailments, such as motion sickness, sunburns, insect bites, poison ivy, food poisoning, bumps and bruises, etc.
Can a Low FODMAP Diet Help with Histamine Intolerance?
If your histamine intolerance is caused by a gut issue– especially SIBO– then it might be most productive to reduce your intake of high FODMAP foods which feed the bacteria that are producing histamine, while also avoiding major histamine triggers like wine and cured meats.
Salicylate Sensitivity In Children With Autism
Phenols are natural chemicals that are present in varying quantities in almost all foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Salicylates are one type of phenol used by plants to protect themselves from harm such as diseases, insects, and certain kinds of bacteria. In terms of their chemical structure, these natural salicylates are very similar to acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin), which is how they first came to be studied in the context of physical and behavioural effects.
What I’m Reading This Month: Antibiotic Use In Infancy & Later Allergies, Metal Neurotoxins & Neural Epidemics, and the Latest Research on Nutritional & Dietary Interventions for Autism
What I’m Reading This Month: Antibiotic Use In Infancy & Later Allergies, Metal Neurotoxins & Neural Epidemics, and the Latest Research on Nutritional & Dietary Interventions for Autism The sheer volume of health, wellness, and medical news and commentary...
Natural Approaches to Estrogen Dominance by Dr. Tatiana, ND
Previously, we covered what estrogen dominance is and what causes it. Now, let’s focus on what you can do today to decrease estrogen dominance and its associated health conditions. The traditional medical approach for the past 20 years has been to address...
What I’m Reading This Month: Toxic Metals in Protein Powders, Preconception Care, and the Importance of Magnesium When Taking Vitamin D
February favourites
Factors Contributing to Estrogen Dominance by Dr. Tatiana, ND
There are two primary factors that are responsible for excess estrogen in our bodies; we either acquire it from our environment or produce too much of it.
Magnesium Deficiency & Mental Health
Over the last several decades as magnesium intake has been steadily declining, depression and anxiety have been rising in prevalence. The knowledge of a connection between magnesium and depression goes back about a century, and published case studies have described dramatic recoveries from clinical depression with daily supplementation.
How Sugar Fuels Oxidative Stress
How exactly does sugar accelerate oxidative stress? Oxidation occurs during a number of specific processes. One of the times when oxidation happens is when our bodies are processing sugar. The more we eat sugar, the more oxidation occurs.