Food Sensitivities: Do You Have Any? By Dr. Tatiana, ND
The terms food sensitivities, food allergies and food intolerances are commonly used interchangeably, although their underlying mechanisms are quite different.
What I’m Reading This Month: The Microbiomes of Elite Athletes, Gut-Microbiome Boosting Diets for Malnourishment, and the EPA Not Banning Chlorpyrifos
What I’m Reading This Month: The Microbiomes of Elite Athletes, Gut-Microbiome Boosting Diets for Malnourishment, and the EPA Not Banning Chlorpyrifos The sheer volume of health, wellness, and medical news and commentary available on the internet can be overwhelming....
What Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity?
We’re understanding more and more that gluten sensitivity is not an “all or nothing” condition– it exists on a spectrum. Many people test negative for Celiac Disease, but still suffer from similar symptoms, which resolve when they stop eating gluten. It is currently estimated that the number of people with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity is roughly 6x higher than the number of people with Celiac Disease.
Is There a Link Between Tinnitus & Histamine?
Have you noticed that the ringing in your ears coincides with the consumption of certain foods?
What I’m Reading This Month: Fecal Transplants and Autism, Vitamin B Deficiency and Mental Health, and the Latest on Monsanto
Catch up on the latest links
Could the Low Lectin Diet Be Right For You?
The low lectin diet is not for everyone. But if you have been following a clean, healthy, whole-foods diet and are still suffering, sensitivity to lectins may be the missing piece of the puzzle.
What I’m Reading This Month: Lead In Schools (and Fruit Juice), Pesticides and Autism Risk, and What To Buy Organic This Year
Dr. Gannage’s picks from around the web
Reversing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis by Dr. Tatiana, ND
In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the thyroid gland is actually not the root cause of the problem. It is the immune system, which becomes too stimulated and starts attacking ‘self’ (thyroid gland) instead of ‘non-self’ (i.e. bacteria, viruses). Why might that happen?
Reset Your Health: 21-Day Reset Program
The initial excitement about the new year is wearing off, spring still feels a long way away… and most of us are starting to fall behind with our new year’s resolutions. So what better time to commit (or re-commit!) to your health and wellness goals?