Spotlight on Vitamin C

Spotlight on Vitamin C

Vitamins are an integral component of our health and longevity. Their function helps ensure we maintain energy, protection from illness, and well-being throughout our lifetime. Since the emergence of COVID-19, the search for a medication that reduces the symptoms of the viral infection has become the forefront of research. This brings the fighting power of vitamin C into the spotlight.

Top 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity

Top 5 Ways to Strengthen Your Immunity

The current circumstances of the COVID-19 crisis have left the world in a state of uncertainty. Although we lack much control over our current circumstances, we need to consider what we do have control over: our health. Now more than ever we have the time necessary to strengthen our immunity in order to help fight off any illness or infection.

Histamine Intolerance and the Gut: A Web of Connections

Histamine Intolerance and the Gut: A Web of Connections

Histamine intolerance and the gut are interconnected in many ways. The root cause of histamine intolerance can often be traced back to an issue or imbalance in the gut, including SIBO, dysbiosis, leaky gut, or a food sensitivity or intolerance. Similarly, histamine intolerance can contribute to and worsen gut problems, creating a vicious cycle.