Understanding the connection between heavy metals and heart disease
Our bodies are exposed to environmental heavy metals like lead and mercury from our drinking water, food, dental amalgams, old leaded paints, and sometimes from atmospheric contamination from coal burning plants, depending on where you live. The body attempts to...
What You May Not Know About Blood Pressure – E. Kennedy, RHN; Dr. J. Gannage, MD
This month, matters of the heart come to mind... Heart disease is STILL a top killer in this country despite better drugs and drug plans, advancements in cardiac surgery and a wider range of rehab and recovery options. It's still a top killer despite the fact that 80...
Nutrition to Save Your (Dry) Skin – Emily Kennedy, RHN
Our skin is our first line of defense against outside elements and pathogens. Regardless of climate changes, the epidermis or outermost layer of our 20 or so square feet of skin continues to renew itself about every 27 days. This rapid renewal makes the appearance of...
Help with New Year’s Resolutions – by Christine Jambrosic, PDHom, Homeopath
It's that time of year where you start to hear of New Year's resolutions and all of the good intentions that everyone has for the coming year. All through January these good intentions and efforts abound with smiles on faces. Health clubs are busy, produce aisles...
Dr. Gannage’s Christmas Wish List
Last minute shoppers beware. What I'm requesting under the tree is not attainable in the next 24 hours. This is a list for December 25th 2013...what I'd like to see implemented by Christmas of next year. Forward thinking is a creative process. Here's my Christmas...
Tis the Season For Mistletoe, by Dr. Jonathan Beatty, ND
Mistletoe (viscum album) is a popular herb to have around the house during the holidays though usually people are using it as an excuse for a kiss, not a medicine. Medicinal use of mistletoe has been around for hundreds of years but has to be used carefully because...
3 Family Food Resolutions for 2013 – Emily Kennedy, RHN
'Tis the season for new beginnings and a great time to evaluate how you and yours might improve on your current nutritional status. Whether it's finding the time to make home-cooked meals, or teaching the kids to cook a meal for themselves, everyone can set a goal...
Homeopathy and Surviving the Holidays by Christine Jambrosic, PDHom
'Tis the season for cheer and joy, celebrating with friends and family, right? This is what all the holiday songs tell you, but the reality of this time of year can often be much different. First there can be the overindulgences, travelling sickness/jet lag, and...
Why I Love An Underdog? by John Gannage, MD
I've always pulled for the underdog. I love a story where the unexpected happens; where David slays Goliath; the near-defeated rises up and seizes a victory; the little guy that "couldn't" or "can't"... DOES. Many of us take great interest in these stories..films are...