Homeopathy isn’t just for emotional or chronic issues, it can be a great modality to turn to for acute issues as well.  A great example is the remedy Symphytum, derived from a herb commonly known as Comfrey, Boneset or Knitbone.   Symphytum is used to aid the healing of bone tissue.  Generally this can be just with breaks and fractures to facilitate healing and reduce pain.  It can also be effective in helping when there are issues in healing to begin with, as in the non-union of fractures, irritable stump after amputation and irritable bone at point of fracture.

I had a remarkable case once where a female in her mid-forties had broken her radius and after many weeks in a cast it wasn’t healing.  She was scheduled to have surgery to place pins in it, which she was hoping to avoid.  When she went for her pre-op appointment she had additional x-rays done as she’d been taking symphytum for about 4 weeks at that point and no longer had any pain.  The doctor was amazed to see that the bone was almost completely healed and surgery was no longer needed.

A few important things to remember though:

  1. In any situation where a broken or fractured bone is suspected you MUST seek allopathic care as a setting bone will most often need some kind of cast or splint to keep the bones in place while they heal.  A homeopathy remedy isn’t a replacement for this, but rather an effective partner in treatment.
  2. You never want to start taking symphytum before you know the bone is properly set, as it can really speed up healing and you don’t want the bones to heal misaligned.

To schedule an appointment with Christine Jambrosic, Homeopath at MIM, phone (905)294-2335, or email christine@integrative-medicine.ca