What I’m Reading This Month: Meal Timing for Weight Loss, the Dangers of Chemical Sunscreens, and the Benefits of Napping

The sheer volume of health, wellness, and medical news and commentary available on the internet can be overwhelming. Every month, get a taste of what integrative medicine leader Dr. John Gannage finds interesting (and digestible) on the web.

Chemical Sunscreens Are a Danger to You and the Environment

“Why chemical sunscreens are bad for your health ….

Oxybenzone, also known as benzophenone-3 (BP3), is the most notorious chemical UV filter used in an estimated 60 percent of sunscreen formulas. This helps explain why traces of the chemical have been found in 97 percent of the U.S. population’s urine. The authors of every recent study now agree that the ingredient is strongly suspected of being an estrogenic hormone disruptor and that it passes through the placental barrier, leading to low birth weight and birth defects. A study from 2016 found a link between exposure to chemical UV filters and male infertility. In May 2019, the FDA confirmed that the “systemic absorption” of oxybenzone and other chemical filters from sunscreen exceeds the recommended threshold, which is particularly problematic for children.”

Six Questions About Cell Phone Radiation and Your Health

“Some studies suggest that cellphone radiation can make the blood-brain barrier more permeable. While these investigations are ongoing and not all conclusions have been confirmed, research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse clearly demonstrated that cellphone radiation alters brain activity.

The brain of a child or slight woman, with their smaller, thin skull bones, would absorb significantly more radiation than that of a large man. Cellphone radiation regulations do not account for the potentially higher risks of cellphone emissions to children and other vulnerable populations.

The solution is to teach children how to use a headset and speaker phone rather than having them hold the phone close to their ear while they talk. Some experts recommend parents to limit their children’s cellphone use to texting, important calls and other emergencies.”

Meal Timing Strategies Appear to Lower Appetite and Improve Fat Burning

WHEN we eat, not just WHAT we eat, affects metabolism and should be part of any weight management strategy. 

Check out also the MIM blog for information about intermittent fasting (November 2018).

“Researchers have discovered that meal timing strategies such as intermittent fasting or eating earlier in the daytime appear to help people lose weight by lowering appetite rather than burning more calories, according to a report published online today in the journal Obesity. The study is the first to show how meal timing affects 24-hour energy metabolism when food intake and meal frequency are matched.”

Compound in Red Wine May Decrease Depression and Anxiety

Depressed? Anxious? Maybe it’s time to give Resveratrol a try.

“Resveratrol may be an effective alternative to drugs for treating patients suffering from depression and anxiety disorders.”

Napping More Often Can Boost Heart and Brain Health, Reduce Stress, and Much More

Enjoy a siesta every now and then. Sometimes patients think napping means there’s a problem. I encourage it! The power nap got me through university, and if I can grab a quick snooze at lunch it makes all the difference.


Still hungry for information? Find previous month’s picks here.

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