The sheer volume of health, wellness, and medical news and commentary available on the internet can be overwhelming. Every month, get a taste of what integrative medicine leader Dr. John Gannage finds interesting (and digestible) on the web.

  1. Study: Gut Bacteria Affects Intestines & Brain in IBS Transplanting the feces of human patients with IBS into germ-free mice, the mice developed features of IBS and anxiety as per the human donors.

“Microbiota-directed therapies, including pre- or probiotic treatment, may be beneficial in treating not only intestinal symptoms but also components of the behavioral manifestations of IBS … [and] the results of their study also add to the mounting evidence that the gut’s microbiota can affect the brain and a range of mental disorders. The intestinal microbiota may play some role in the spectrum of brain disorders ranging from mood or anxiety to other problems that may include autism, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis.”

  1. Magnesium to Help Prevent Bone Fractures Rarely tested, under-utilized as a treatment, relatively inexpensive … and potentially tremendously beneficial for a number of health conditions. It’s regrettable how many seniors have been misinformed about bone protection through the use of Calcium, in doses too high, without simultaneous use of #Magnesium (and other nutrients such as Vitamin K). Unopposed Calcium can accumulate in tissues where you don’t want it, including blood vessels and joints. I’ve also observed Magnesium supplementation benefit sleep, anxiety, heart palpitations, muscle cramps, energy, ASD. And I’ll check blood levels often, including an RBC Magnesium, which patients unfortunately need to pay for. (Always been puzzling to me how accurate Magnesium testing, and now Vitamin D levels for the general population, are not covered by the Provincial Health Plan. But bone density testing is.)
  1. One Third of Food Products Contain Residue of Controversial Pesticide In Canada, 4% of grains have #glyphosate levels above “acceptable” limits .., but they won’t tell us which brands. Furthermore, as we’ve seen with lead, the limits themselves can change based on scientific study in future years. Alarmingly, 32% of infant cereals had detectable residue of the pesticide. I’m not clear if safety levels have ever been determined for infants, as chemicals in general are rarely tested for their effect on child development, but they make it to the marketplace anyway. #BuyOrganic #PrecautionaryPrinciple

    + Further Reading: Trump’s EPA Approves Pesticide Known to Damage Kids Brains
  1. How Vitamin C May Help Cancer Treatments Work Better
    IV Vitamin C, as a megadose, can complement chemotherapy and radiation in cancer treatment, potentiating each to improve survival. I’ve also seen it lessen side effects.
  1. MP’s Tribute to Son With Autism + Support Canadian Autism Partnership Underfunding creates unnecessary burdens, on families and societies. Early intervention is key. Can’t happen without money.
  1. Research: Stem Cells for Autism This is the research that’s needed. Hopefully the evidence supports the widespread use of stem cell therapy in autism and the benefits are consistent and enormous!
  2. Low Calorie Sweeteners Increase Fat Formation Artificial sweeteners like #sucralose lead to more fat formation, and can increase the risk of #diabetes in those prone to it. Avoid them, and the “zero calorie” beverages they are found in, such as diet soda. Meanwhile, in animal studies, #stevia , a natural compound, has been shown to be beneficial in Type 2 diabetes, by increasing insulin release from the pancreas as one mechanism.
  1. Cannabis May Halve Seizures for Patients With Severe Epilepsy If I had epilepsy, I’d be asking my neurologist about the use of CBD oil, as a way to reduce seizure activity.

“Cannabidiol is one of the more than 80 cannabinoids, or active chemicals, present in the cannabis plant. Research has suggested that cannabidiol has therapeutic potential, with studies linking the chemical to reductions in anxiety and improvements in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other mental health conditions. Studies have also indicated that cannabidiol may be a promising treatment strategy for epilepsy.”

Still hungry for information? Find previous month’s picks here.